So far, i must say im lucky enough to work in olympus. It really marks a good start for my working life. The people there are really nice, and there wasnt any politics or nasty stuffs going on. But somehow i feel that there is this one or two of them from the other department who looked fierce (or was it my imagination?), and i thought they diao me. Felt a little uneasy, but i think i will get used to it.. maybe i looked too dao. Hahahahaaa.
Anyway, i know my colleagues are nice people but i just cant seem to hold a conversation well with them.. arrr, i think im too used to crapping with fumin and weejia le laaa. I think if i crap with my colleagues they will think im mad, then send me to feng ren ta. HAHAHA. So im acting demure. (weejia and fumin i know you guys are gg to puke) .
Im scared of my manager. hahahaa. (ya.. and fumin and weejia are gonna say this, "huh?! you scared of ppl arrrr! i thought u nt scared of anybody one??!!!) -_-"
Btw, i heard this really funny thing today at work and i kept laughing to myself for almost half of the day, think ppl are really gg to say im mad. This lady is having a teleconversation with someone else, and this lady said, "eeeh u tell me what u want for christmas present leh, $15 dollars one.. then i buy for u la!" Then the person on the other line said, "aiya! chin chye la! (meaning 'anything' in chinese) . Then this lady gave this really hilarious answer, "huh chin chye ar? ok lor, then i buy $15 of vegetables for u."
Lalalalaaaa. I have always thought working instead of studying would be so great. But i was wrong. Now i really want to go back to study. I miss studying, miss mugging, miss listening to canon in d to relieve my stress.. life nowadays is like so dead. No friends to go out with after work, no friends to hang out on friday nights. Haiz. Either they are not interested in hanging out or their working time clashes with mine. hai hai hai. i miss kboxiiiinnnngggg.. pool.. I wan to go KBOX! Ppl, if free ask me out leiii. Hahahaaa.
K la, shall end here. :)
PROM PICS! hahahas.. lots of mei nus here. Lolz.